Economic calander

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

     Hi all, the day is quietly moving along and I'm still thinking about spending time practicing slow tempoed acoustic guitar chord progressions and scales for a one man show fundraiser, 33% to the cause, 33% to the  hosting room, and 33% to yours truly.  It's not rock and roll, not dance, and not full blown classical but it's a sound that is relaxing, pretty, and I enjoy it.  Main demopgraphic 40 and older speculatively, though only speculatively.  Any curious inquiries for more information please feel free to contact me at or leave a voicemail at19143742360.  State and Federal tax rate on top of each ticket, glancing at a 17 dollar to 50 dollar per ticket price range.  Have a good rest of the day, if only when possible when life simply does not permit.

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