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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Cruiseship Fiction Mixer

-a fictional information theory conspiracy

Maritime strata  

     The public address system on the viewing platform announced, “if it weren’t for the srewy fuck at the fuck & screw.” 

     Disinformation is a lie with some polish, a statement spoken or written, though as a sincerely sayable or writeable thought, the contience analyzing in a perfect harmony lacking dissonance and disagreement completely. An example of disinformation is here by way of the description fact+imagination=fiction and fantasy.

     The cruiseship m/v Vast was storied for being haunted though not by any kind of living soul, by a bomb.  By a very, very large bomb.  People would say they saw it just under the ocean’s waterline, some would say they could hear it in the off limits to  passengers engine room, others said they saw it floating at the bottom of the pool. 

     Never has it been in perfect obviousness in any photographs taken by passengers, crew, or curiosity seekers, and the vessel has had a perfect travel record for all of its’ ten years.

     A recent north american continent security alliance broadcast is on the remote viewing platform easts’ computer speakers talking about in office I.C., Intelligence Community duties in a relatively small but public forum information sharing procedure to Washington itself and to citizens in the online audience.


     The early morning twilight more popularly called dawn is less than seven hours in the past.


     National security by way of cryptology?  ‘2u’ looks a humorously entertaining concise possibility too plain sight and confusing to be considered imaginer/reader.

Cryptology to code to easylanguage

- alternate worry and deep fear 0.1, or x if you'd like, alleging again the mythic collapse of the technological dawn or/and the collapsing of smaller systems within the new Internet global system as a whole.

          Besides, code is a computer science endeavor these days, no?


     Though cryptology?  In a manner similar to alcoholism and addiction the topic looks more than half like a no, walk away, however people turn to and return to the topic curiously with a frequency.


     The point is contained in the question meeting your eyes right here...  Will code benefit from cryptology?  People have been looking at the topic for years, more often with the buzzword 'encryption'.  Perhaps this meaning a trillion randomly generated passwords then placed in an equivalent to Don Quixote’s imagination.  What if computer science borrowed the cryptcode weirdness a little to entirely, called it code left undefined and behind some of the

Comprehendings’ foreheads and writings instead, and wound up having the originating topic over in f.o.i.a. N.S.A. text/s? 

     Nevertheless, it’s become/ing Comp.Sci. language/s, new tech, though language/s as it’s ever been the whole of the study’s life, yes?  

     It will all be because of the choice, the times when it did actually occur, to format computer programming in ‘easy language’ format/s.  They’d smiled upon seeing the plainness of oddity. 

     An unknown number of the most widespread Internet presences wrote with an eye towards cryptically.  We sit on the Atlantic and remote viewing platform east a‘musing, imaginatively, at the structuring of one of the all-time gifts and recent decades brand new borderline miraculous

additions to many of the lives now living in the new millennium, our times, this being the personal computer and its’ global network.  This, in short, defined as the international internet community.     

     Inconcert: The s/s Vast is out on relatively calm seas that are causing a soft, slow, and gradual rolling motion as Melanie and Brent sit sipping coffee breathing slowly and deeply in the ship’s library a plural of hundreds of miles off the shore of the United Sates’ eastern seaboard, listening intently to the presentation’s directors informing us of their discipline’s thoughts and hopes of protecting our country.  Note- they sound very good and are not particularly people to be complained about, bright busy working guys and ladies.  :For the record


     Outside the library’s portholes and beyond the Atlantic Ocean’s horizon lives the international world, the world revealed and famed by N.A.S.A. imagery green, brown, blue, white, grey, and, beige,

from orbiters and satellites way above. In short for clarity’s sake, the world as an undivided whole. 

     Occasional perfect circle rainbows to be studied.   

     We’re mostly in an easily comparable peace that none of us want destroyed and would be happy to be of service to you in any way that we are safely able dear reader.  The agencies that we hear of and admire are all busy maybe overstressed individuals who want a less dangerous world also.  The book’s trio is in agreement often enough to feel comfortable.

     Our goal is to present a good and worthy book that both entertains and enlightens its’ readers.


     Additional good news, if the reader is capable of experiencing the blunt paradoxical factuality of it most of the time, is that Brent, Melanie, and myself, are all on again off again moderately bohemian souls who share an affliction that renders us sick in bed hungover from various things at times.  This is potentially good news for us oddly.

     We’re the mythic outside the agency employee list, self-fancied agents on alcohol and drugs here to entertain you.  J

     Unheard of!  Illegal!!  Go from me!!!  Go from us rather, because the self-fancied psychology of ours is known as a delusion by us near all the time.  We are outside looking in with the other sixties generation people sentiment.  We simply look with deep interest a few seconds of the week, thus we can all relax gratefully.  Of course it’s all imagined dear reader. 

      Unheard of… The world that we all live in with we, 5-7 billion in total, speaking many languages, here in the Sates English predominantly, is itself is unheard of. 

     Politics in recent decades now has us with opium as a legal pharmaceutical here in the States even under varied brand names in the pain management and end of life sectors, always in process of revision probable, and, marijuana talked about as a legal comfort for cancer patients, an anti-nausea too.  This is a part in the category called unheard of also.

     The team’s assertion is that these should be moved decriminalized to being new adjuncts of the beer, wine, and spirits industry where they have forever belonged, cocaine too, maybe meth. Etc….  Age limit to be 40 years old and older with use of intoxicants at younger years becoming a fineable though not jailable offense might be a safer restart.  40 years and older can do so in the privacy of their homes and new condoned areas within the hotel industry maybe.  Sound reasonable? 

     New harm reduction models needed also.  A partition around psychedelics, LSD type specifically if any are familiar, possible. 

     Irritations aside and with a smile welcome, we’re a fair minority 20% or less of all the world America of course included if any of my readers are brand new to the topic/s.  And, if you are able to remind yourself, do not jump to conclusions about us because an unknown number of us are currently abstinent and abstinent for years at times too, we do not like suffering prejudices often on top of an already  blighted somewhat life.

     A sincere welcome 2u and read on at your leisure and pleasure if you please.

     Out on the ocean, its’ fathoms drop below maritime vessels of all types, below the freighters, below the militarized world Navies, below the cruise ships, below smaller vessels newspapers sometimes read with adventure and, at times, lethal peril.


     An understanding of safety instructions here is of priority.  The ships that I was on asked passengers to enter their cabins and put on their room’s life vests before the vessel was even a fraction of the distance to the mouth of the Hudson River.  From there they were asked to make their way to muster stations where life boat entry places are designed to be during more than nerve wracking emergencies. 

     In less than 45 minutes all were told they could take off the life vests and return them to their cabin’s storage drawer.  Importantly, they were asked to feel as safe as they would have on land and were reminded to enjoy their vacation and/or business travel journey.  

     Melanie and Brent had gone through the only normal to crew routine with mild trepidation and true curiosity to understand what they were best to do if the ship was actually going to sink, clarification being- 1) cabin  2) life vest on  3) to muster station 

4) board life boat.

     The out on calm seas slow rolling motion of the s/s Vast was bringing typical reactions from her passengers.  Some were requesting the Dramamine medication for motion sickness, others were being lulled to calm and sleep by the slow massive motion of the vessel’s propellers churning the 60,000 ton hull further and further away from the east coast. 

     Brent and Melanie made their way to one of the outside public areas from the library with coffee cups and laptop cases, outside on deck, to take in the view of the Atlantic Ocean for the unique sight of observing not a trace of land visible anywhere, only the ocean blue and the weather above.  This and the fairly upscale floating hotel dubbed Vast just back inside the doors that they seconds ago walked out of the fresh salt air filling their nostrils, mouths, lungs, and systems.

     “Oh where, oh where has the blue whale gone to?  Oh where, oh where can it be?”  Melanie sang prettily eyes gazing with complete lucidity at the miles and miles of ocean whitecaps appearing out of and disappearing back into the saltwaters’ fathomless beginning, an inch speechless, superimposed by a finely tuned enough imagination in her mind’s eye.

     Brent looked smiling over at her saying, “Hasn’t gone anywhere really, there’s dozens to 10,000 of them in this ocean alone, yes?  I leave the estimate that wide because in truth I’m unsure of the exact number of blue whales in this area.  A small probability we’ll see one before the voyage is over.”

     “I was trying to be humorous and perhaps a trifle deep sweet.  Your smile made me feel like I succeeded.”  Melanie said. 

     “Did, the smile was in response to your thoughts conveyed in your choice of songs and small rewrite.  The main ideas were religion, a missing little lamb of childhood fairytale storytelling songs, replaced by a blue whale being sung to by Mary herself.  I owe you a thank you actually.”  Brent said.

     “Cool, not a problem, and good.  Do you want another coffee sweet?”  Melanie said wanting to go to the coffee counter one deck up and inside.  She hoped to be back outside on deck fairly quickly.

     “Yes, sure.”  Brent said.

     The ship’s public address system chimed nine clear tones in three triplets on the music grand cleft followed by a cruise director’s voice saying, “  Good day ladies and gentlemen, the weather stations are stating all is clear in our latitude and longitude.  The shuffleboard courts are now open and aft skeet shooting will start in half an hour on the outdoor deck area aft, oceanic deck.  The swimming pools have been ready since dawn, and the ships bars are opening.  The remainder of the day’s itinerary was left under your cabin door during the lifeboat drill.  Thank you and welcome aboard the s/s Vast.”

     The three of us had been in conversation the other day and agreement on conciseness of definition for us arrived in mind to be stated.  There we looked at our past for the other details and wound up agreeing upon- three healthily eccentric lib. arts studying and writing with some intensity who picked up study of the business markets and intel. collection, however, also wound up commenting ‘intel.’ made the definition sound too flashy and sensationalized a touch.  Agreement quickly arrived that it was a fascinating lingo consideration that might ruffle ours and others feathers sometimes, hoped not often.

     Thus, three healthily eccentric lib. arts studying and writing with some intensity who picked up study of the business markets and business intel. collection. Lesser called Mlniumxhypothet3.


     Thousands of miles away inland of across the entirety of the Atlantic Ocean a gentleman was being detained in an obscure Siberian airport-ish way in trouble with a leading .gov for allegedly handing out information described as being from the classified components of the Internet and new technology. 

     He sounds a non-subversive in contrast to descriptions.  There’s a trio of lingering hope that in reality he is one of ours and as virtuous as the little I’ve heard of his voice sounded.  He and a team behind the scenes actually implementing large amounts of media to shed light on the new ‘pc world’s’ comprehension by way of a perceived as thoroughly real news story.  

     Fanciful speculation allowed in fiction indulge me.  It’s only an eye catching thought. 

     And, it looks the newsreels have the vote near assuredly.

     Shuffleboard oversized pucks began to scrape across the shuffleboard courts and conversation started among passengers who had found their way there.  “That, or the kid really did it.  Maybe even did want to poke at his federal system to a few degrees.”  One passenger said.

     More shuffleboard clay disks scraped along the deck’s surface.  We too will have to see how the news continues to unfold in the world.

      The steamship United Sates is our’s too with some aggrandizement admitably and only by way of diplomatic fancy admitably also.  Desire is all or close enough to say it.  Refurbished and refitted by a group of elding musical eccentrics with hopes of sailing her to international waters as a floating safe-house and traveling amnesty zone of sorts.  Maybe named the m/v, motor vehicle, U.S.2.  (Research hypothesis x)

     While we are busy with some flights of fancy minds please look down and to the right to see the s/s Vast and the ship’s wake, trailing white, and, near navy blue, streaming away behind her props. Her cruiseblip is appearing on an adjacent radar screen here on the remote viewing platform east.

     On the s/s Vast, Brent and Melanie were pouring their second coffee and beginning to map out the rest of the day.  They brought a travel sized coffee brewer with them on the ship for their any moment of the day personality types.  Coffee on the s/s Vast was available through room service upon request any hour of the day or night. 

     “The guest itinerary says that there’s an investors’ conference in the William’s Wine Bar & Newsroom room.  It was humorous, it read the topic is hoped to be animal spirits and human economics.  I heard some of the pursers talking; they mentioned that the room sits fifty people comfortably though they were expecting twenty five people or less for the event.”  Brent said.

     “I might go and walk the outdoor decks for twenty minutes, maybe longer.  There’s time.”  Melanie added.

     “Ok, see you at William’s later.”  Brent said hoping to go rest in the cabin for a short while.

     She turned towards the hall that would bring her back out onto the open air area of Lido deck and he walked towards the stairwell that would take him to his Continental Deck cabin, two decks  down.

     In less than five minutes Melanie was outside gazing again at the Atlantic Ocean.  Within a minute of her walking outside Brent was unlocking the door to his cabin and walking directly to the bed, laying down, and reaching for the guest itinerary.  One that he’d picked up while walking past the purser’s desk, very similar to a front desk in the hotel industry, he put in his laptop case and picked up the one on the bedside table left there by room staff during the lifeboat drill gratefully.

     His eyes found the 2:30pm start up time.  Within this section it read; two hours of light beverages and business topics discussion for all passengers with knowledge of or even mere curiosity about the business world as we know it. 

     One of the company’s traders will give a brief talk on the structuring of the s/s Vast’s office psychology while serving as the New York office’s plain sight spy analyzing actual day to day operations’ harmony or/and dissonance with the business director’s hopes. 

     Known only to the ship’s Captain and General Manager was that he was the new Switzerland offices’ leading manager being asked to work on the ship for a year educating, studying performance, drawing thought guidance, and conclusions, for writings on the topic of company strategizing.

     Brent relaxed on his back reminding himself for the thousandth’s time to loosen every tense place trying to arrive at awake motionless contemplation.  He smiled at the thought of informal business theorizing and looked over at his laptop and case that he had placed within a turn to the right and an easy reach so that he wouldn’t fall straight out of the bed if he needed it.


     He also began to wonder at a curiosity inspiring thought this being placing all activities whether business or leisure under the category “pleasant diversions”.  The reason being because it meant a better chance of good performance through a slightly pleasant mentality focusing on the activity at hand no matter what it might be.  A drawback he noticed was moments when need for solemnity might arrive and even here the person experiencing it could maybe easily comprehend at act accordingly.  It’s easy, bow your head somewhat, try to relax, and call to mind the sorrows and tragedies in the lives of people and yours.  Then as some say in the English speaking world… moving on, moving forward.  Here, to the good better things in your life. 

     Office global diffuse sighed asking, “In short?”   

     The remote viewing office replied, “In short?  Have a good day.”

     Office global diffuse stood up from their computers to get coffee, water, sodas, and, juices.

     Idyllicstate Enterprises, the company holding revenue, the s/s Vast, and the m/v U.S.2., was dotting a small percentage of the globe.  Their customer base is roughly 33% of the known world’s population.  An increase after a budget for additional advertising possibly.‎

     Melanie is still walking the deck having begun to relish the ocean air while Brent was beginning to unwind in his cabin.  She began thinking back over her time on the ship since leaving the New York City harbor a little less than 24 hours ago.  The afternoon business topics talk excited her.  Setting her attention back towards the immediate future she looked at the banner phrase ‘cruiseships sometimes called cruiseline industry’.

     They are floating upscale luxury hotels designed inside of ships the size of a small multitude of yachts and are significant wonders to see, even use of the word behold, particularly when navigating ports and the world’s oceans.

     Melanie was leaning on the ship’s guardrail staring at the thought ‘money’.  She was unsure whether to pariahsize it like some of the religions that she’d heard of in her childhood by way of authoritative text caused her to notice almost demanded it be treated like a vile thing.  To her money meant food, nutrition generally, and comforts.  She pondered the laugh or cry theme and began to walk back towards inside rerelishing the ocean air.

     It was based off the two words economic strata as a description of economic class, employed as two word synonyms. 

     They as a global group were in a single with a monogamous relationship love and best friend for over a decade though I’m forced to say single because the literally ringed wearing relationship is nowhere on church paperwork, welcome to the new millennium and office global diffuse of varied kinds.

     Two deck stewards and two deck stewardesses were beginning to prep. William’s Wine Bar & Newsroom.  A combination of water, juices, sodas, and inexpensive to expensive wine by the glass had to be stocked in the room’s inventory for the event held the first day at sea week in week out during seven day cruises, biweekly during fourteen day cruises.  It was a fairly simple premise; make the room stocked, polished, and immaculate, and keep the room stocked, polished, and immaculate. 

     A computer media center was in the room occasionally pointed at because at sea the morning’s maybe becoming old fashioned hardcopy news print sources were way back on land, hitting the newsstands that morning many, many miles behind them on land.  The media center unwittingly filled the gap in this small under the radar niche problem. In the newsroom room no longer a problem with a moment of appreciation.

     The remainder of that voyage’s passenger list began to rest and explore in a trans-atlantic world where thoughts, as elsewhere, would arise and disappear like clouds forming and disappearing in the jewel like beauty of the sky.  Thoughts on mindfulness from across oceans and nations, the age old fact of it is continuing to head through the second decade of the second millennium, many more 2u.      

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